Beauftragte für Chancengleichheit am Arbeitsmarkt




Portrait and offer

The tasks of the Commissioner for Equal Opportunities in the Labor Market are enshrined in law (§385 of the German Social Code SGB III). She is the contact person for employees, employers and their organizations in:
• overarching issues relating to the advancement of women,
• the equality of women and men in the labor market and
• the compatibility of family and career for both genders.

You can contact the Equal Opportunities Officer for the Labor Market for advice and support on the following topics in particular:
• Offers from the employment agency
• Returning to work after a family or care phase
• Part-time vocational training
• Family-conscious personnel policy
• stereotype-free career choices
• Ways out of mini-jobs and poverty in old age
• Developments in the training and labor market
• Promoting women in MINT professions (mathematics, IT, natural sciences and technology)
• Business start-ups
• Regional networks


Munich Employment Agency

Target group

Women, people returning to work, people with a migration and refugee background, people with family and care responsibilities
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