Logo, Landeshauptstadt München, Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen

Women Engage for a Common Future, WECF e.V.




Portrait and offer

WECF is an international eco-feminist network of 250 women’s, environmental and health organizations in more than 70 countries. WECF works on the topics of “Sustainable Energy and Climate Protection”, “Chemicals and Health”, “Water and Sanitation” and “Biodiversity Conservation” as well as cross-cutting issues of gender equality and environmental and human rights.
WECF is committed to a pollutant-free future. To this end, WECF provides information on the Nest Building Program on the avoidance of harmful chemicals in everyday products such as plastic, textiles, furniture, cosmetics, toys and menstrual products. The WECF plastic tool “Stop the flood of plastic” for schools, children and youth work aims to raise awareness of the issue of plastic, including chemicals in plastic. In national, EU and international policy processes on chemicals, WECF advocates for gender equality and better regulations to protect the environment and health.


Women Engage for a Common Future, WECF e.V.

Target group

Parents, parents-to-be, pregnant women, people from the health sector, daycare center staff, people interested in NGO work at national, EU and international level
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