Logo, Landeshauptstadt München, Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen





Portrait and offer

Counseling, information and psychosocial support
Addiction counseling supports you in dealing with your consumption and works with you to find ways and perspectives to overcome your situation.

Referral to further services
If necessary, the addiction counseling service will support you in finding a suitable facility (e.g. detoxification, therapy) and in clarifying costs.

Support for consuming mothers and fathers
As a consuming (expectant) mother or father, it is important to you to give your child or children a happy life with every opportunity for development. To this end, you will receive advice and long-term psychosocial support.

Counseling and support for relatives of addicts
Parents, partners, children or other relatives are also affected by addiction. They often do not know how to react to the addictive behavior and suffer from the other person’s addiction.


City of Munich (LHM) – Health Department (GSR)

Target group

People who use addictive substances or are affected by gambling and their relatives and social environment
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