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Natürliche Familienplanung – Zentrale München




Portrait and offer

The NFP headquarters in Munich (according to Sensiplan®) provides you with well-founded information on the subjects of cycles, fertility and natural family planning. We advise on contraception, the desire to have children and monitoring your cycle.
Sensiplan® is one of the highly secure methods of natural family planning based on the “observation of naturally occurring signs and symptoms of the fertile and infertile periods of the menstrual cycle” (WHO) and is explicitly recommended for contraception, fertility and body observation, including in the current Guideline for Non-Hormonal Contraception of the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics.
We arrange NFP courses with qualified consultants in the Munich area, are available for you by phone and e-mail, and send information material to gynaecological practices and other multipliers. Our offers are non-denominational and open to all interested persons and couples.


Archdiocese of Munich and Freising (Archbishop’s Ordinariate, Department of Marriage and Family Pastoral)

Target group

Anyone wishing to use contraception, want to have children, or want to follow cycles to increase body competence
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