Logo, Landeshauptstadt München, Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen

LeZ – lesbisch-queeres Zentrum




Portrait and offer

The LeZ – lesbian-queer center, is a place for lesbian women/FLINT people (women, lesbians, inter, non-binary and trans people) – regardless of all diversity categories, such as origin (social and geographical), age, religion, disability, class, appearance. The LeZ is a place for advice, meetings and events.
The LeZ consists of three pillars:
– Lobby work and social services as well as advice from the full-time staff for the lesbian-queer community
– Open and low-threshold meeting place for the lesbian-queer community in Munich
– Rooms and offers by and for active members and groups of the lesbian-queer community
The rooms and activities in the LeZ-lesbisch-queeres Zentrum are decided on a participatory basis at the annual meeting.
The bar in the LeZ is open every Thursday (18:00-22:00), Friday and Saturday (18:00-23:00).
“The LeZ is what you make of it!” is a central guideline.


LesCommunity e.V. – Encounter.Counseling.Empowerment.

Target group

Lesbian women/FLINT people (women, lesbians, inter-, non-binary and trans people)
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