Kulturreferat – Förderung feministische und LGBTIQ*-Kulturprojekte




Portrait and offer

This funding area supports interdisciplinary cultural projects with a thematic focus on feminist topics and with significant participation from FLINTA and other marginalized gender perspectives. It is important that the content is related to culture – purely activist, political projects are not eligible for funding. It is also not sufficient for female artists and cultural practitioners to be involved. Eligible for funding are costs for room rental, fees for participating artists as well as for curation and organization, printing costs for advertising, etc.
The #sieinspiriertmich call for proposals is published once a year (fall/end of the previous year). Cultural projects with a focus on feminism that take place in the women’s month of March on the occasion of International Women’s Day can be submitted. Here, too, cross-disciplinary cultural projects will be funded and selected by an internal jury.


City of Munich

Target group

Artists, artists and cultural professionals, cultural initiatives and organisations, laypeople
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