FTZ – EigenSinn Tagesstätte für Frauen




Portrait and offer

EigenSinn is a protected women’s space, centrally located in Munich and wheelchair accessible.
Here, women with mental stress or psychiatric experience can experience community and meaning, experience structure, stabilize themselves and (re)discover their strengths. In addition to social education workers and occupational therapists with many years of experience, we also have an ex-in recovery counselor working with us.
We support women in a variety of ways – whether with creative and movement activities (e.g. acrylic painting, dancing, yoga), themed groups, our sewing project, gardening in our herb and vegetable garden or through parties and excursions.
We work in a trauma and culturally sensitive way and respect women in their identity – regardless of their lifestyle, sexual and religious orientation. We look at the individual history and current situation as well as the fundamental living conditions of women in our society.
We stand up for equal rights, freedom from violence and human rights.


Women’s Therapy Center – FTZ non-profit GmbH

Target group

Women with mental stress and/or psychiatric experience
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