Logo, Landeshauptstadt München, Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen

Frauentreffpunkt Neuperlach e.V.




Portrait and offer

Women’s meeting place Neuperlach e.V. is a non-profit, non-partisan and non-denominational self-help organization that was founded in 1975 by female residents of Neuperlach. The aim of the association is to promote contacts between women in different life situations and to counteract their isolation. Information events, discussion and working groups are intended to empower women to actively change or improve their living and working conditions.
Our services focus on the women’s café and events that are open to all women, promote the integration of migrant and senior women or address mothers with children.
In the spirit of self-help, advice is also provided: either as support to tackle problems independently or through referral to women-specific advice centers. The women’s meeting place is managed by the women themselves and thrives on the initiative of active women.


Women’s meeting place Neuperlach e.V.

Target group

Women of all ages, from many nations, different social classes and with different levels of education. Children are also welcome if accompanied by their mothers.
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