Logo, Landeshauptstadt München, Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen

FiBS – Frauen in Beruf und Schule




Portrait and offer

FiBS – Women in Work and School supports adult migrant women who want to build up career prospects in Munich. The focus is on the women’s personal situation, their professional experience and knowledge as well as their goals. For over 25 years, FiBS has been committed not only to the professional integration of migrant women, but also to fair educational and employment opportunities for migrant women, intercultural understanding and the compatibility of family and career. The FiBS project is funded by the Munich Employment and Qualification Program of the City of Munich.

The FiBS services include
– Career counseling for career planning
– Courses for “professional reorientation”
– Preparation for the secondary school leaving certificate
– Qualification as an accounting specialist
– Qualification as a “state-recognized housekeeper”


InitiativGruppe – Intercultural Encounter and Education e.V.

Target group

Adult migrant women
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