Logo, Landeshauptstadt München, Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen

Business Professional Women (BPW) Germany Club München e.V.




Portrait and offer

Founded in 1919, BPW is one of the oldest women’s networks in the world and one of the largest with 30,000 members worldwide. It is active in 85 countries and has permanent representatives at the United Nations in New York, the International Labor Organization (ILO) in Geneva and the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.
BPW campaigns for equal opportunities in work, business, politics and society, is committed to getting more women into leading positions in business and politics and to improving the work-life balance of women and men. In 2008, BPW organized Equal Pay Day, the international day of action for equal pay between women and men, in Germany for the first time.
With around 120 members, the Munich club is the largest club in Germany. In addition to networking and personal exchange, we offer club evenings on business and personal topics, conferences and congresses, mentoring programs and many other events.


Business Professional Women (BPW) Germany e.V.

Target group

Working women from all sectors and age groups, employees, self-employed and entrepreneurs
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