Logo, Landeshauptstadt München, Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen



P.O. Box 400646


Portrait and offer

The women’s shelter offers you alone or with your children
– Protection from further violence through safe housing
– Advice and help in the current crisis situation
-Information about financial and social assistance
– Support in developing new life perspectives
– Help in asserting your rights and interests
Each resident has a room to herself (and the children) and organizes her life independently.
Objectives: To encourage and strengthen women to free themselves from a situation of dependency and violence and to lead a self-determined life.
Protection from further violence; temporary accommodation; impartial psychosocial advice; referral to further services; interpreting services in the event of language barriers;
individual and group educational services and remedial educational support for children; support after a stay in a women’s shelter; prevention and public relations work.


The Parity Bavaria

Target group

Women affected by partner violence with and without children
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