Logo, Landeshauptstadt München, Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen

Frauen- und Kinderschutzhäuser Landkreis München




Portrait and offer

Counseling, protection and shelter for women and children.
Every woman has the right to a life free of violence, even in her own home. Domestic violence is not a private matter, but a violation of every person’s right to physical and mental integrity.
The staff at the women’s and children’s shelters can be contacted around the clock on 089/451 254 990 or 089/895 433 390. You can discuss the possibility of admission to one of the two women’s and children’s shelters with them. If necessary, we can refer you to suitable advice centers or call in an interpreter.
Counseling is free of charge, independent of religious affiliation and nationality and remains anonymous.


Social Service of Catholic Women Munich e.V.

Target group

Women affected by violence
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