Logo, Landeshauptstadt München, Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen

Verein für Fraueninteressen e.V.


Altheimer Eck
13 Rgb


Portrait and offer

With its social and women’s political institutions, educational programs and events, the Association for Women’s Interests supports women and men in the family, at work and in society.
The facilities of the Association for Women’s Interests offer their own or arrange external support services for different target groups and problem situations.
We are a driving force for voluntary work in our facilities and in Munich’s urban society.
We offer a discussion forum for socio-political topics and issues and support women’s political initiatives and measures.
The Association for Women’s Interests advocates – also as an employer – fair pay and family-friendly employment for female and male employees.
The Association for Women’s Interests also realizes its goals through cooperation with municipal and state institutions.


Target group

Women and men in family, work and society
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