Logo, Landeshauptstadt München, Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen

ver.di Bezirksfrauenrat


Neumarkter Straße


Portrait and offer

The Munich women in ver.di are committed at all levels to the realization of gender democracy and the equal participation of women and men. To this end, we are loud and active in the workplace, economy, society and politics. We are committed to equality and equal opportunities, work-life balance and an equal distribution of care work.
We have:
– Broadcasting time on Radio Lora, every 2nd Wednesday of the month
– Network meetings for all interested members of company interest groups,
every 3rd Wednesday of the month
– Political women’s meetings
– Participation in alliances and initiatives on our topics
– Working groups and campaigns

Would you like to be added to our e-mail distribution list for information and event tips relating to Verdi women? Then get in touch at frauen.m@verdi.de


ver.di Women Munich

Target group

Interested women
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