Logo, Landeshauptstadt München, Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen

Ungewollte Schwangerschaft




Portrait and offer

An unwanted pregnancy can raise many questions. Some women want to terminate the pregnancy. Women can receive detailed information and advice at a state-approved pregnancy advice center. Only state-approved counselling centres are allowed to issue the counselling certificate required for an abortion. Under https://schwangerinmuenchen.de you can find the addresses of state-recognized counselling centres.
The German Medical Association maintains an online list of doctors and clinics that perform abortions: liste.bundesaerztekammer.de search.
As inclusion in the list is voluntary, not all doctors and clinics offering abortions are listed here. The complete list can be viewed at the state-approved pregnancy counseling centers of the health authorities or at a statutory health insurance company.


Health department

Target group

Girls and women who are unintentionally pregnant
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