



Portrait and offer

At the Trans*Inter*Counseling Center, we offer counseling and training on trans inter and non-binary topics.

Our counseling services are aimed at trans, inter and non-binary people as well as their relatives and friends. You can confide in the staff of the Trans*Inter*Counseling Center if you have questions about trans* or inter* issues, would like psychosocial counseling or are in a specific crisis situation. People who are wondering whether they are trans, inter or non-binary can also take advantage of the counseling service.

As part of CheckpoinT*I*N, we offer counseling and testing for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases for trans, inter and non-binary people every three months on Friday evenings between 17:00 and 19:30. The consultations and tests are free and anonymous. Our counselors are trans and/or non-binary themselves and are sensitive to the concerns of inter people.


Munich AIDS service organization e.V.

Target group

Trans, inter and non-binary people, their relatives and friends
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