Tahanan – Schutz und Unterbringung für Migrantinnen in Not




Portrait and offer

We support new immigrants as well as migrant women already living here in professional, organizational or social issues and promote individual skills and potential, free of charge, individually and completely confidentially.
TAHANAN offers migrant women with an unsecured residence status protection and refuge in a crisis situation, e.g. if they have experienced violence or are fleeing exploitative working conditions or human trafficking. We also take in women whose residence is at risk due to separation, divorce or possible detention pending deportation. Women with and without children can come to us.
The socio-pedagogical support includes, among other things
• Crisis intervention
• Information and individual counseling
• Clarification of residence status
• finances
• Accompaniment to authorities if required
• General information on legal issues
• Referral to specialist services etc.
• Various group offers
• Return assistance


IN VIA München e.V.

Target group

Migrant women and their children with an unsecured residence status
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