Portrait and offer
Advice on having children, pregnancy and parental leave
You can get advice from us in person, by video, online or over the phone (also in foreign languages and German sign language). Counseling is confidential and free of charge
We offer:
– Information on legal regulations and benefits, e.g. maternity protection, parental allowance, Bavarian family allowance, parental leave, citizen’s allowance and maintenance
– Advice during pregnancy and parental leave on life and partnership issues
– Support and mediation of financial aid from foundations
– Advice on unfulfilled desire to have children
– Advice on confidential birth
– Advice on prenatal diagnostics (PND) and support in the event of a disability or illness of the child
– Advice on unplanned pregnancies with the issue of a legal counseling certificate
We also offer workshops on sexual education and information evenings for parents-to-be.
Target group
Landeshauptstadt München
Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen
Marienplatz 8, 80331 Munich
(089) 233-924 65
The city of Munich stands for an urban society without discrimination with equal opportunities for all. Equal rights are a constitutional principle, but the real implementation of this norm requires cooperation with civil society in addition to a state mandate. In Munich, there are a large number of organizations, institutions and projects that are involved in the task of implementing equal rights for women, men and people of other genders.
With this “Women’s Handbook Munich”, the Equal Opportunities Office for Women of the City of Munich offers an overview and information on where to turn with a specific concern. More information about the Equal Opportunities Office for Women can be found on our homepage.
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