SOS-Familien- und Kindertageszentrum Neuaubing




Portrait and offer

The family center has been in existence since 1981 and offers low-threshold services for families from the district, advice and support, especially in stressful life situations.

The children’s day care center has been in existence since 2007 and is a special day care facility with a lot of support and guidance for families. We are a member of the Munich Association of Educational Counseling Centers, the Munich Mothers’ and Family Centers Working Group and the Parity Welfare Association.

The family centre/multi-generation house offers open services, parent-child groups, courses, self-organized playgroups and information on various educational topics. This includes the Familientreff+ at Limesstraße 81.

The day care center (Clarita-Bernhard-Straße 3) has 77 places for children aged 3 to 12.


SOS-Kinderdorf e.V.

Target group

Family center/multigenerational house: families with children up to 6 years from Neuaubing and all residents in the district; daycare center: for children from Neuaubing
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