Logo, Landeshauptstadt München, Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen

Sozialpädagogisch Betreutes Wohnen (SBW)




Portrait and offer

Socio-educational assisted living (SBW) is a service for young women aged 16 and over who are able to live independently but still require socio-educational support. The prerequisite is a willingness to accept support within the framework of youth welfare.
Our aim is to accompany young women on their way to independence and to develop realistic life plans together with them.
What we offer:
The facility consists of eight individual apartments with a shared kitchen in the Thalkirchen Child and Youth Welfare Center and four individual apartments in Munich City. Depending on their needs, the women are looked after for between five and 15 hours a week.


Social Service of Catholic Women Munich e.V.

Target group

Girls from 16 years up to the age of majority
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