Logo, Landeshauptstadt München, Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen





Portrait and offer

Your comeback to working life! Have you devoted yourself to bringing up your children or caring for a loved one? Would you like to get your career back on track and would like professional support?

power_m supports you in returning to work after a family or care phase. Our services are tailored to your needs and are free of charge.

To get started, we invite you to a non-binding information event. This will be followed by an initial consultation, during which we will work out your individual roadmap for returning to work. Whether you want to sharpen your skills, reorient yourself professionally, refresh your IT skills or need coaching in the application process – we are at your side with our offers and bring you into contact with employers. You can also use the power_m job pool and establish a valuable network.

Contact and dates for the information events: www.power-m.net


power_m project alliance

Target group

power_m is aimed at women and men from the Munich S-Bahn area who have taken a career break to raise children or care for a loved one. Participation is also possible with marginal employment during or after the career break.
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