St. Georg PSG




Portrait and offer

The Scout Women’s Association of St. Georg, or PSG for short, is an association with around 10,000 girls and women throughout Germany. We are characterised by our three main pillars: We are scouts, we are girls and women, we are Catholic!
In our group lessons, girls and women with and without disabilities, regardless of their background and religion, can spend time together in a safe environment. Our program is creative and active and often determined by the girls themselves, with the guidance of the group leaders. We have four age groups: 6-10 years; 10-13 years; 13-16 years; and 16 years upwards, according to which the groups are divided.
There are three local groups in Munich, called tribes. Where and when you can find us, you can find us on our website, or ask us at the e-mail address provided. We are looking forward to seeing you as a participant or group leader!


Girl Scouts St. Georg e.V., Diocesan Association of Munich-Freising

Target group

Girls and women
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