Logo, Landeshauptstadt München, Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen

Ambulante Erziehungshilfen




Portrait and offer

Together with you, we plan support options that are tailored to your family situation. We work closely with the district social work department in accordance with the help plan procedure (SGB VIII).
• We advise you at home or in our facility and accompany you to appointments.
• We support you in building a loving relationship and a secure bond with your child.
• We support you in caring for and looking after your child.
• We help you to contact the authorities.
• We organize leisure activities and group activities.
• We work together with other institutions and specialists.
As a rule, we accompany you over a period of two years. Our services are free of charge within the framework of the Child and Youth Welfare Act (§§ 27 ff.). If you are interested, please contact your local social work specialist or contact us directly.


Birth and Family Network e.V.

Target group

Pregnant women and families with babies and toddlers
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