Mutter-Kind-Haus Karolina




Portrait and offer

Haus Karolina offers an apartment to pregnant or single mothers of full age as well as support in everyday life. We can accommodate you and your children if you need intensive counseling and accompaniment.
Our services: 2- and 2.5-room apartments in which you live with your children, regular counseling sessions, help to improve the mother-child bond, support in caring for and raising the children, help to expand practical life skills, development of school or career prospects, supportive group offerings and leisure activities, intensive individual counseling, once a week hourly child care.

Haus Karolina has 10 apartments for mothers with one or two children.
The youngest must be under 6 years old.
Rent and living expenses are financed from your own income or according to § 19 SGB VIII.


Social Service of Catholic Women Munich e.V.

Target group

Adult pregnant or single mothers with one or two children
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