Logo, Landeshauptstadt München, Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen

Lucia Betreutes Einzelwohnen (BEW)




Portrait and offer

Lucia assisted single living and socio-educational assisted single living for mentally ill mothers with their children.
For the time after the inpatient stay at Lucia, we offer ten places for mothers with their children in the area of assisted individual living. There, the mothers receive outpatient follow-up care in their own apartments.
In addition, there is a more intensive, outpatient aftercare program with ten places as well. The mothers are cared for in SkF-owned or SkF-rent apartments for 15 hours per week. The prerequisite is that at the beginning of this assistance one of the children is under six years old.


Social Service of Catholic Women Munich e.V.

Target group

Mothers with children up to six years, single parents
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