Intensivpädagogische Wohngruppe plan+




Portrait and offer

The intensive educational residential group plan+ with a focus on LGBTQIA+ offers eight places for queer adolescents and young adults aged 14 and over who are not heterosexual, non-binary or non-cisgender. They are given a safe space for age-appropriate development. The prerequisite for admission is an enquiry from the youth welfare office. Queer young people with high family stress, complex biographies and a lack of specific support services are addressed. The young people find professional support at plan+. Their needs for belonging and equal participation are strengthened without reducing them to their sexual orientation or gender identity.


IB Süd Jugendhilfe & Migration

Target group

Teenagers and young adults from the LGBTQIA+ community aged 14 and over, teenagers and young adults who need support with identity crises, coming out and transition processes, queer teenagers and young adults who can no longer stay at home due to multifactorial conflict situations, lesbian, gay and bisexual teenagers/young adults.
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