Gesundheitsladen e.V. – Patient*innen-




Portrait and offer

Health Store Munich e.V. is a non-profit organization. Since 1980, it has been a contact point for people seeking advice and a forum for anyone who wants to become active in the healthcare sector.

The Health Store offers independent and free patient advice in the event of problems with healthcare from (dental) doctors, hospitals or conflicts with health insurance companies. We explain patients’ rights and provide guidance and direction in the healthcare system. Lectures and our own information material complement our services.

The Gesundheitsladen is involved in local committees and neighborhood work.

We stand for more patient orientation in the healthcare system, independent patient information and advice, a solidarity-based health insurance system, low-threshold and free local advice as well as good healthcare for all and call for the de-economization of the healthcare system.


Health Store Munich e.V.

Target group

All citizens in Munich, regardless of whether they have legal, private or no health insurance and regardless of age, gender, religious denomination and nationality, as well as multipliers
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