Logo, Landeshauptstadt München, Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen

FTZ – Praxis für Ergotherapie




Portrait and offer

We are a team of occupational therapists with many years of experience. In our practice, women who are restricted in their ability to act find professional support. In individual and group therapy, women and girls (from the age of 13) learn specific methods that they can apply directly in everyday life.
They work manually, creatively and digitally.
They learn to stabilize themselves and improve their own perception, stamina, concentration, resilience and sociability. This enables them to take control of their own lives again. Occupational therapy is prescribed by a doctor.
We work in a trauma and culturally sensitive manner and respect women in their identity – regardless of their lifestyle, sexual and religious orientation. We look at the individual history and current situation as well as the fundamental living conditions of women in our society.
We stand up for equal rights, freedom from violence and human rights.


Women’s Therapy Center – FTZ non-profit GmbH

Target group

Girls (aged 13 and over) and women with experience of psychiatry, mental illness or addiction
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