Fachstelle Frau, Gesundheit und Gendermedizin




Portrait and offer

The specialist unit advises healthcare professionals as well as the city administration and politicians on issues relating to women’s health and gender-sensitive medicine. The aim is to improve the health opportunities of women and to sensitize professionals to gender-specific aspects in medicine. The focus here is on socially and health-related disadvantaged people. The establishment of the Fachstelle Frau & Gesundheit was decided by the Munich City Council in 1997. In 2014, this was then expanded to include the field of gender-sensitive medicine.

The specialist unit identifies women-specific health issues and barriers to accessing services in the healthcare system. On this basis, it develops and promotes innovative measures to improve the structure of services. To this end, it works closely with numerous partners in Munich’s social and healthcare system and regularly organizes specialist events.


City of Munich, Health Department

Target group

Women, girls, healthcare professionals
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