Elterntelefon der „Nummer gegen Kummer“




Portrait and offer

The parents’ helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays until 7 pm and can be reached on the free nationwide number 0800 111 0 550.
The parents’ helpline of the “Nummer gegen Kummer” is a nationwide call, advice and information service that supports parents and other parents in the often difficult questions of bringing up their children. Nummer gegen Kummer e.V. offers parents and other guardians easily accessible and free help in order to have a positive influence on the everyday lives of parents and therefore also children. Of course, we treat your concerns confidentially. You can also rest assured that the number of the parents’ helpline is not listed on the itemized bill of your telephone bill.


Target group

Parents and other carers
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