Logo, Landeshauptstadt München, Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen

Beratungsstelle für Natürliche Geburt und Elternsein e.V.




Portrait and offer

Founded in 1979 as an independent contact point for all matters relating to becoming and being parents. The services are aimed at all people, regardless of their cultural background, sexual orientation, abilities and limitations.
– Advice on choosing the place of birth in Munich
– Advice on prenatal diagnostics and in stressful pregnancies
– Individual birth preparation for young pregnant women
– Advice on psychological crises surrounding the birth
– Attachment-based parenting advice (sleeping, breastfeeding, cry regulation)
– Extensive range of courses Preparation for birth, pregnancy gymnastics, yoga, postnatal recovery, Fit
with baby, baby massage, singing with baby, open meetings, online lectures
– FenKid ® parent-child courses, also in English, Spanish, French, Italian
– Self-help groups: Unfulfilled desire to have children, crisis around the birth, Via Nova
– Family counseling
– Further education and training for professionals


Counseling center for natural birth and parenthood e.V.

Target group

Expectant parents, single parents and families with children in the early years of life
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