Caritas München Nord




Portrait and offer

As part of our social counseling service, we advise people from our catchment area regardless of religious denomination or origin. We offer help with problems in the areas of authorities and offices, tight budgets, health, work and family. Together we look for ways out of the crisis. If necessary, we refer people to our projects, such as the clothing store and mobile workshop, and to other institutions and specialist services.
The building is also home to the debtor and insolvency advice centre of Caritas Munich North, a recognized insolvency advice centre according to §305 InsO. In addition to general advice on budget planning and debt, you will receive comprehensive information on the requirements and implementation of insolvency proceedings.
We are subject to a duty of confidentiality.


Caritas Association Munich and Freising e.V.

Target group

People who need support in personal and financial emergency situations
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