Logo, Landeshauptstadt München, Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen

Beratungsstelle Frauen*notruf München




Portrait and offer

We support women who have experienced sexual harassment, assault and sexualized violence. You don’t have to tell anything you don’t want to tell. Take the first step and talk to us or use our online advice service. We believe you and take you seriously.

Our services: Personal counselling, telephone counselling, online counselling, video counselling, crisis hotline, trauma therapy

Also in plain language, with (sign language) interpreters, accompanied by assistants.

Opening hours/telephone availability,
Advice on sexualized violence:
Mon-Fri 10 am – 1 pm
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 3pm – 2pm
Wednesdays: 18-21 h

Online advice: https://frauennotruf-muenchen.de/onlineberatung/
You can find further offers on our homepage.


Initiative for the promotion of the counseling center Women’s Helpline Munich e.V. (IFFRA e.V)

Target group

Women who have experienced sexualised violence at some point in their lives. We also offer counseling to relatives and professional caregivers. Confidential, anonymous and free of charge.
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