Logo, Landeshauptstadt München, Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen

Açılım – Präventive Arbeit mit und für Familien


Rosenheimer Straße


Portrait and offer

Mother-child learning and play group
The international mother-child play and learning group is an open facility for children and mothers. It is not to be confused with a day care center, as in our concept the mothers must remain together with their children. The mothers are responsible for supervision. During their stay at Açılım, they are accompanied and supervised by a social pedagogue (educator).

Since 2001, Açılım has been working successfully to achieve its goals through events (lectures, day and weekend seminars), thematic materials (leaflets, brochures), public relations and information work (website, newsletter), contacts with the Turkish press and Turkish migrant organizations and by initiating activities in the interests of children (personal discussions, concrete support).


AKA e.V.

Target group

Parents (especially mothers with small children)
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