Logo, Landeshauptstadt München, Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen

Schuldner- und Insolvenzberatung der Stadt München




Portrait and offer

The City of Munich’s debtor and insolvency advice service offers advice and assistance in cases of indebtedness and over-indebtedness, out-of-court settlements with creditors, support in applying for consumer insolvency proceedings and is based on a holistic advice concept. The first priority is to stabilize the client’s existential situation. This primarily includes maintaining their housing and ensuring that they can pay for electricity and food.
The municipal debtor and insolvency advice service offers a hotline service to all citizens seeking advice on weekdays.
You can reach the hotline Monday to Thursday from 9 am to 3 pm and Fridays from 9 am to 12 pm on 089/233-243 53.


City of Munich

Target group

Munich citizens in financial difficulties
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