Logo, Landeshauptstadt München, Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen

Beschwerdestelle für Probleme in der Altenpflege




Portrait and offer

The Complaints Office is an institution that deals with complaints from citizens about care facilities in a competent and solution-oriented manner. It is responsible for all inpatient care facilities, outpatient care services, assisted living and new forms of housing – insofar as they are located in the city of Munich. The Complaints Office is active in advance of the supervisory authorities.

The main task of the Complaints Office is to deal with citizens’ complaints about care for the elderly. In addition, the Complaints Office publishes guides for older people and informs those affected and interested in the context of events, in particular through the “Citizens’ Forum for Elderly Care”. The Complaints Office represents the interests of those affected by participation in committees and working groups.

Opening hours:
Mon 9–12 h and 1–16 h
Tue 9 am–12 am
Wed 1–7 pm
Thu 9–12 h and 1–16 h
Fri 9 am–12 pm

Underground and S-Bahn Marienplatz


City of Munich

Target group

The complaints office is open to the people in need of care, their relatives and carers, as well as neighbours and friends. It is also a contact point for those working in the care of the elderly, such as carers or nurses.
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