Logo, Landeshauptstadt München, Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen

Seniorenbeirat der Landeshauptstadt München




Portrait and offer

The Senior Citizens’ Advisory Council represents the interests of older citizens and is the point of contact for the city council, city administration and social associations/institutions in the city of Munich. It is involved in planning and measures that particularly affect the older generations. To implement its tasks, it has formed 12 specialist committees for the 12th electoral term (2022–2026), which are responsible for different subject areas.
The Senior Citizens’ Advisory Council sees itself as a mouthpiece for the needs and concerns of Munich’s older citizens. It offers consultation hours at its office every Thursday from 10:00 to 12:00. It is easy to reach by public transport (U- and S-Bahn Marienplatz).


City of Munich

Target group

Senior citizens, older citizens
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