Logo, Landeshauptstadt München, Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen

Autonomes Frauenhaus München


P.O. Box 900446


Portrait and offer

The Munich Women’s Shelter offers women and their children who are threatened or abused by their husband/partner with physical, psychological, digital, economic or sexualized violence,
telephone advice, refuge and protection in the women’s shelter and support in finding a safe way out of domestic violence.
The women’s shelter has space for 19 women and provides round-the-clock accommodation. The address of the women’s shelter is secret for security reasons.

Professional advice on
• Safety plan and violence protection law
• Separation and divorce, custody and access rights
• Securing livelihood (maintenance, public funds, citizen’s allowance)
• Socio-educational support during criminal proceedings

Support with
• Processing the experience of violence
• Developing and implementing a non-violent and
self-determined life perspective
• Finding accommodation
• Finding a job and training measures

A girls’ and boys’ area in the women’s shelter supports the children.


“Women help Women” e.V. Munich

Target group

Women and lesbians affected/threatened by partner violence and their children (boys only up to the age of 12)
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