KOFIZA – Beratungs- und Informationszentrum für Migrantinnen*




Portrait and offer

We support new immigrants and migrants already living here in professional, organizational or social issues and promote individual skills and potential, free of charge, individually and completely confidentially.
We support migrant women and their families if they have recently arrived in Germany or have been living here for some time. We advise women in crises and on everyday issues. You can come to us if you have
• have difficulties in the family, at work or in everyday life
• have questions about your stay in Germany or your health
• have questions about raising children or your children’s schooling
• are looking for accommodation or an apartment
• want to continue their education or learn German
• have worries and are wondering what to do
• are experiencing violence or aggression
We can help you through individual counseling, group activities and information events.


IN VIA Munich e.V.

Target group

Women, girls, non-binary people and their relatives with a migration biography from the age of 18 – regardless of their residence status – who have recently arrived in Germany or have been living here for some time in the sense of “catch-up” integration.
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