Logo, Landeshauptstadt München, Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen

Mutter-Kind-Haus Domicilia




Portrait and offer

Haus Domicilia offers an apartment to pregnant or single mothers of full age, as well as counseling and support.
We provide advice and assistance in all matters concerning the child, relationship problems, education and career, and work with you to develop a plan for the future.
We offer: a 2.5 room apartment where you can live with your children, individual help within the framework of fixed counseling hours, socio-pedagogical counseling and support in questions of education and personal, professional and financial problems.
Haus Domicilia has seven apartments for mothers with at least two or even more children.
The youngest child must be under six years old. Siblings can also be older.
Rent and living expenses are financed from your own income or from unemployment benefit (ALG) II. The counseling hours are financed by the responsible youth welfare office.


Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen München e.V.

Target group

Adult pregnant women or single mothers with up to three children
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